Examining Requests
Working With The URI
Getting the current URI for the request:
echo URI::current();
Getting a specific segment from the URI:
echo URI::segment(1);
Returning a default value if the segment doesn't exist:
echo URI::segment(10, 'Foo');
Getting the full request URI, including query string:
echo URI::full();
Sometimes you may need to determine if the current URI is a given string, or begins with a given string. Here's an example of how you can use the is() method to accomplish this:
Determine if the URI is "home":
if (URI::is('home')) { // The current URI is "home"! }
Determine if the current URI begins with "docs/":
if (URI::is('docs/*')) { // The current URI begins with "docs/"! }
Other Request Helpers
Getting the current request method:
echo Request::method();
Accessing the $_SERVER global array:
echo Request::server('http_referer');
Retrieving the requester's IP address:
echo Request::ip();
Determining if the current request is using HTTPS:
if (Request::secure()) { // This request is over HTTPS! }
Determining if the current request is an AJAX request:
if (Request::ajax()) { // This request is using AJAX! }
Determining if the current requst is via the Artisan CLI:
if (Request::cli()) { // This request came from the CLI! }